It often happens that life as we know it can suddenly change in a moment. In just an instant, everything that seemed familiar and happy fades into nothingness and we just have our body as the only form of silent protest. A shell that becomes a limit, a cage from which we would like to escape.
This is the story of Fabiola De Clercq, a woman who has made an example of her personal history but above all a way to help us free ourselves from false taboos forever. No-one else but this modern heroine could be the eighth WYCONIC chosen by the brand to tell another special story, made up of battles against prejudices and fragments of real life.
After a long struggle against anorexia and bulimia that began in adolescence, Fabiola had the courage to get out of the shadows and regain control of her life, not only for the sake of her children but above all for herself. She learned to love herself again and to accept her own body.
She was the first woman to have the courage to denounce and break the silence that has long been behind the delicate problem of eating disorders. Through speaking and sharing her past, she has become the reference point for thousands of people suffering from this illness, founding the non-profit organisation ABA.
Courage is the key word that distinguishes this story and the limited edition WYCONIC Fabiola De Clercq, a capsule designed to enhance true beauty, made up of small imperfections, those that make us real and unique at any age.
Wycon offers four shades of anti-age lipstick with warm and bright colours to saturate the lips. The new Serum is characterised by giving an immediate youthful effect to the skin, counteracting the loss of tone, dehydration and small wrinkles. The highlighter was designed to protect the face for a radiant and fresh complexion. The extra touch is given by the concealers in five shades, designed to give tone and elasticity thanks to the raspberry extract. Finally, to complete the look, we have the new super mascara with efficacy tests showing better volume, length and curvature of the eyelashes.
An unmissable limited edition, for real women of all ages.