WYCON COSMETICS is an Italian brand founded in 2009, the brains behind which are Gianfranco Satta, entrepreneur and important distributor in the women's cosmetics sector and Raffaella Pagano, Product Manager, an expert in the world of make-up and body care.
The idea behind the project was simple yet complex at the same time: to break the pattern of the cosmetics market,
characterised exclusively by brands that offer products at extortionate prices, to offer everyone the opportunity to buy high quality Make-Up, Skin Care and Body Care collections, at the right price and make them accessible to all.
Their experience in the sector, knowledge of the entire production chain and beauty trends, were the basis for creating a retail concept that met the wishes of everyday consumers:
their intuition led to the elimination of expensive intermediate steps between producer and consumer, instead investing in the quality of textures and skinfeel whilst maintaining a very competitive market position.
Why pay more for a product when it’s really not worth it?
This was the question to which WYCON cosmetics responded with the creation of its first store, offering a collection entirely Made in Italy.
This response was appreciated by consumers making the brand one of the current market leaders in Italy, with more than 300 single-brand stores in major cities, in addition to a presence in Portugal, Greece, Romania, France, Kosovo, Russia, Kazakhstan, Lebanon, Serbia, Malta, Switzerland, Georgia and the Middle East.
Make-up doesn’t hide but reveals your personality. Gives the courage to be yourself.
We want the make-up to strengthen your character, giving you the security needed to break the mould.
May our mascara be with you when you see your goals.
May our lipstick give you the courage you need to capture that kiss.
May our blush be there to cover the shyness of an unexpected compliment.
Not just a claim but a real BEAUTY REVOLUTION giving voice to all MAKE-UP LOVERS.
For those who have indulged their passion for make-up, twisting the canons.
For those who have discovered in a lipstick a new way to smile.
For those who live against the opposite current and in a mascara have found the courage to show who they really are.
Start up franchise project
100 stores reached
Rebranding and new logo
First openings abroad
49% growth vs 2015
Exceeded 200 stores
Wycon & Inclusiveness: a male face in our campaigns
Opening Lebanon and opening in middle east
New formulations and new packaging
New pink store concept: Wycon think pink
300% di crescita vs 2015
Sustainability goes through packaging: 90% of products made with ABS plastics
Internationalisation path: Wycon opens its own stores abroad
Exceeded 300 outlets
Innovation and R&D: inclusion of VEGAN products in the range
New marketing strategy: Wycon - Icon ‘till infinity