Form of the verb TO DARE: no limits to your imagination.
WYCON cosmetics invites us to its Electro Glam party in a fairground that takes shape in a dreamlike vision.
An emotional carousel with candyfloss and colourful soft drinks, where you have fun on the rides of a psychedelic trip. Pastel colours, bouffant tulle and iridescent sequins teach you how to turn play into glam.
WYCON women, beautiful and self-aware, thoroughly know fashion and draw inspiration from it to reinvent themselves and play on a journey combining the past and the present.
They use their imagination to create an inner space and time, where they can modulate reality to analyze themselves and regenerate their own energy. They are kaleidoscopic women with countless facets, yet their most significant one is authenticity: they are free from the fear of being judged.
WYCON women dress and disguise themselves celebrating the gentle insanity typical of innocence regained.
Pastel yet full colours win over drab tones; the makeup packaging takes on light nuances with slightly iridescent embossing, childish touches that make you want to believe in fairy tales again.